When you say trading, people will say trading is an art. Look at all the books that has been published on the subject. They will say the art of trading forex.
In that sense, we must take forex as an art and not a science. I know, some people may not agree with me and all the post that is in this blog. I don't blame them coz I was actually in the same place as they were when I started trading. Trying to find the answer to forex using every logical explanation.
This is the answer that you have been looking for. I am going to give it to you straight away. Let see if your mind can accept it.
Forex is not a science. There is not a single mathematical equation that can explain it. Do not forecast, do not predict, do not anticipate. All you need to do to make profit is to follow the market. If the price is going up, you buy. If the price is going down, u sell. You may not win all the time but if you follow the market, in the end you will be in profit. Make profit and build up your capital up to a point where a few winning trades per month will bring huge profit.
Can you accept it? Can you mind admit it? Is your logical mind challenged? Do you feel helpless? Welcome to the real world :)
I'd say stock trading is basically like gambling, you may gain or lose money. Keep the posts comming
RépondreSupprimerTheres not a single mathematic equation to explain physics either. :P
RépondreSupprimerthis is really given me something to think about
Nice article dude, anyway, returning some daily love :)
RépondreSupprimerloving the site design... how did you get the header in that position?
RépondreSupprimerThat's the first simple template at blogger ^^
RépondreSupprimerlol, you just made me lol
RépondreSupprimerShowing some daily love. :)
RépondreSupprimeris forex pro a legit trading platform? ;]
RépondreSupprimerI rather invest my money on blackjack.
RépondreSupprimerreturning some daily love :) http://forex4toi.blogspot.com/ ^^